3 Ways to Encourage Employees to Volunteer for Fire Warden Training

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3 Ways to Encourage Employees to Volunteer for Fire Warden Training

Fires can be devastating in the workplace since they destroy property and put workers' lives at risk. Typically, most employees do not know what to do in the event of a fire. Some staff will freeze while others will scamper around trying to save their lives or business assets. Therefore, it is crucial to have well-trained fire wardens in the workplace to reduce damages in the event of a fire. However, getting employees to volunteer for fire warden training can be tricky, which is the last thing a safety manager needs. Here are candid tips to help you if you have been struggling to find volunteers for fire warden training.

Incentivise Fire Warden Training

In most workplaces, it is difficult to identify a fire warden from the rest of the staff until a fire breaks out. It is the only time fire wardens take a leadership role, which is discouraging. Typically, an employee who volunteers for fire warden training wants some recognition, not just during fire outbreaks day. You can achieve it by incentivising fire warden training; for instance, you can add the title "fire warden" to volunteers' job cards. Alternatively, you can make fire warden training part of the appraisal process, which goes a long way in helping volunteers' careers.

Managers/Supervisors Volunteer

Managers and supervisors play an integral role in directing employees. Therefore, they can leverage their leadership qualities to encourage other employees to volunteer for fire warden training. For instance, managers and supervisors typically have a lot on their plate as far as workplace duties go. As such, most people assume that only junior employees can volunteer for fire warden training. However, when a manager volunteers for fire warden training, they set an example to junior employees. Thus, workers who use their busy schedules as an excuse for not volunteering can learn from their manager and participate in the program.

Encourage a Health and Safety Culture

Why would an employee volunteer for fire warden training if a company does not have an innate health and safety culture? Although the training equips volunteers with the necessary fire management skills and knowledge, fire wardens cannot do much if a safety culture is non-existent. For instance, a trained fire warden's efforts are ineffective if a company does not supply enough fire extinguishers. Therefore, ensure that health and safety are a big part of your company's culture before asking employees to volunteer for fire warden training.

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Energy Saving and Green Energy Production No one likes to receive an expensive energy bill. Thankfully, there are some steps you can take which will help to cut your energy bills while also helping to save planet Earth. I do not claim to be an expert in this field. However, I've spent many months researching the different green energy solutions which can be used around the home. I have written about them for this blog. Here, you will find info about solar panels, insulation, wind farms, and bio-fuel. I hope that you find what I have published here informative as well as entertaining. Thank you for stopping by.



